- SF-

Welcome to -SF- my rant about current political and religious topics.

While I will try to stay on focus there may be frequent off topic posts.

Please feel free to post your feelings on my discussions.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Foundation

"The only assurance of our Nation's safety is to lay our foundation in Morality and Religion" -Abraham Lincoln

As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the U.S. Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's law givers and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a full frontal view ... it is Moses and he is holding the Ten Commandments

As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge oak doors have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door.

Samuel Adams

Here is an awesome Samuel Adams quote. Yeah! Yeah!

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

-Samuel Adams

"W" America's President

With many Europeans confused about why America elected President Bush when all the polls and outspoken people in L.A., New York, and Boston were saying Kerry was sure to win, the BBC is asking Americans to state why they supported the President. Here is a good base of what the majority of American's are saying.

Election 04: County by County Posted by Hello

The Biggest Factor

The biggest factor in the American election this year was highly underestimated by the media, that factor was faith based morals. The media is sponsored by for-profit corporations, who at all costs like to stay away from these three keys; religious morality, spiritual awareness, and good deeds done by some saying "God told them to do it." This is because sex and violence are used to sell their sponsor’s products and those three keys undermine their sales. This is the reason we only see religious activities associated with violence and when some mass murderer says "God told him to do it" the story tops the head lines followed by how he lured them in with bizarre bondage sex therapy. Aren’t you interested already?

"You can make a good case that the biggest divide in this country is between religionists and secularists (and I hope those are fair terms). As long as the religionists view certain voting issues as moral issues (eg, abortion and gay marriage), they'll have a massive advantage in getting out the vote. They voted down every gay marriage referendum in this election, and voted for Bush while they were at it."
Sean Meade

This quote is 100% true. The issue however, is far greater that anyone may understand. Or maybe it is that the corporations do understand. The corporate sales department would have to completely destroy religious foundation of history to get around these religious moral issues. Would an email connected group of sales gurus actually derive a plan to weaken the moral foundation of the country just to make money? It may seem a little farfetched at first, but let’s combine that connected ability to influence media coverage by sponsorship and donations along with a belief that “Separation of Church and State” extends to all publicly owned or viewable areas i.e. parks, sidewalks, billboards, just basically anything not inside your house out of public view. Is this an organized group of people doing these things on purpose? Probably not, this a "take a step back from the situation" view of things.

The main idea is that small tweaks here and there add up to a very big change in the social fabric of our country. We may not live in a Rockwell painting, but just because very few people are attaining that perfect picturesque life these days doesn’t mean we should lower the bar just to raise the success quota and feel good about ourselves.


Monday, November 01, 2004

Separation of Church and State

With America heralding it self as the topmost religious, mainly Christian oriented, industrialized nation on the Earth, one might think it is strange to see the large amount of attention being lavished on secular voting events such as “Rock the Vote” while such a small amount of attention is given to faith based events such as “Redeem the Vote.” However when you consider the amount of commercialism and money that is tied up between the networks and the stars appearing in the secular events you can start to see the reasons for the overwhelming coverage. With that being said we could leave it at that, attributing the over coverage to money and marketing fueling the media agenda, but if we followed that line of thought we would be wrong. The real reason behind the extensive coverage is fear, fear of not holding to the P.C. ~ politically correct agenda. You, the religious reader, are fed this agenda, or maybe the correct term is mantra, every day. It is because this learning repetition that you feel the fear rise up in your throat every time your faith is brought up or nearly discovered in public. This is the reason you’ll blast a secular radio station and if a faith based commercial is aired or you scan to a religious sermon by mistake you quickly lower the volume and look around to see if anyone heard and are now looking at you like you are a religious nut, because it is now the common thought for all religious people to considered strange and not modern. The core of this growing subconscious ideology is being founded and pressed by non-Christians, misinformed-Christians, and atheists that have found deep foot holds in the Constitution through the twisting of the 1st Amendment “The Separation of Church and State.”

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
They, the ultra-secularists, are using their dry interpretation of founding document of our nation to push the belief that all public space and activities in the public eye should be secular and free from religion, thus because public space and public forums are protected and mandated by the government they are subject to enforcement of their version of the 1st Amendment. The answer to this type of thinking is very straight forward and must be brought to the forefront of our minds to stop the purging of faith from our nation. The Separation of Church and State is not Separation of God and State, Freedom of Religion is not, nor was ever meant to be reflected as Freedom from Religion as a nation free of religion. The framers of the Constitution were faith based people who understood the need for both religion and religious tolerance, to write and sign a document that stripped their country of religion would have been blasphemy to them and would have negated their core definition and understanding of life and death. From religion come the pillars of morality that guide and hold up the ethics system of our country. America is a common idea that is held together by our commonality in historically faith based ideology and morals taken from Christianity. To erase public religion and replace it with personal religion is to erase our commonality and erode the moral underpinning of our nation to the point where we no longer recognize each other as a people.